路边野餐 (Kaili Blues)" is an acclaimed film directed by 毕赣 (Bi Gan), released in 2015. This film marked Bi Gan’s directorial debut and quickly garnered international attention for its unique narrative structure, poetic style, and stunning visual cinematography. Set in the lush, subtropical region of Guizhou province in China, “Kaili Blues” revolves around the story of Chen Sheng, a doctor working in a small clinic in the town of Kaili. The narrative is deeply introspective and surreal, blending elements of memory, time, and the mystical journey of its protagonist. In the film, Chen Sheng embarks on a quest to fulfill his late mother’s wish to find his nephew, Weiwei, who has been abandoned by his brother. Alongside this, he carries the task of delivering a series of items, including a photograph, a shirt, and a cassette tape, to an old flame of a lonely elderly woman.