Adaptive Skeleton Graph Decoding


Large language models (LLMs) have seen significant adoption for natural language tasks, owing their success to massive numbers of model parameters (e.g., 70B+); however, LLM inference incurs significant computation and memory costs. Recent approaches propose parallel decoding strategies, such as Skeleton-of-Thought (SoT), to improve performance by breaking prompts down into sub-problems that can be decoded in parallel; however, they often suffer from reduced response quality. Our key insight is that we can request additional information, specifically dependencies and difficulty, when generating the sub-problems to improve both response quality and performance. In this paper, we propose Skeleton Graph Decoding (SGD), which uses dependencies exposed between sub-problems to support information forwarding between dependent sub-problems for improved quality while exposing parallelization opportunities for decoding independent sub-problems. Additionally, we leverage difficulty estimates for each sub-problem to select an appropriately-sized model, improving performance without significantly reducing quality. Compared to standard autoregressive generation and SoT, SGD achieves a 1.69x speedup while improving quality by up to 51%.

Shuowei Jin
Shuowei Jin
PhD Candidate at University of Michigan CSE

My research interests include efficient LLM inference algorithms/systems, machine learning systems, and mobile systems.